
Hello and thank you for being here!

  1. Would you love to get to a whole new spiritual level with your finances?
  2. And as part of that process would you love to get to a whole new spiritual level in yourself?

Aloha! My name is Aliis and welcome to Dynamic Divinity!

This is the place for you if you’re looking for support and collaboration for your business particularly around the financial aspects. I’m talking money mindset, the way you think about and interact with money.

If you’re tired of being on a financial roller-coaster, you’re in the right place!

So settle into your favourite chair, indulge in a beverage of your choosing and relax.

No-one ever made a good decision while they were stressed.

Far better to be suitably chilled and inspired!

If you feel you need some Divine Inspiration around your finances, I’ve got you covered. We can absolutely do some coaching around that and have a conversation.

Or if you need some written content for your business to help you connect with your ideal clients, I’ve got you covered there as well. I can provide all kinds of content from blogs to guides to books.

What if you need both?

No worries, let’s do this!

Being a woman entrepreneur can be challenging! But I’m convinced the best way to succeed is to collaborate, not go it alone and try and do everything yourself. That’s the quickest way to burnout I can think of.

If I can help you, I will.

So check out the Writing and Coaching pages and see if this feels good to you.

And if you think someone you know would be interested, please send them over – thank you!

But in the meantime, if you’re thinking ‘Yeah, this could work’, just send me an email at: hello@iamdynamicdivinity.com and let’s have a chat!

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