
ACIM Lesson 163: There is no death. The Son of God is free.

There is no death. The Son of God is free.

If I believe that God is eternal and that I am as God created me, it would stand to reason that I am eternal too. How, then can death be real?

If I can die, then surely God can too. And hence on my gravestone it should read “Here lies a witness God is dead.”

Surely not!

I will not bind myself to illusions and false idols today. I demand to see the truth. And to that end I will clean with the key words of Ho’oponopono:

I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.

It is the data that convinces me a person can get ill and die, never to be seen again. But that is to deny them their true Self, the Self they share with God.

What ever form death takes, whether it’s literally a loved one ‘dying’ or just me losing my glasses, it is merely an illusion, the data. It isn’t ‘real’.

I will therefore relax in the knowledge that life is eternal and therefore so am I.

“There is no death. The Son of God is free. I love you, I’m sorry, Forgive me, Thank you.”