
ACIM Lesson 243: Today I will judge nothing that occurs.

Today I will judge nothing that occurs.

There is a very simple reason why I should judge nothing that occurs and it is this: I haven’t got a clue what’s really going on! I only have a part of the story.

This fits beautifully with Ho’oponopono.

In ‘The User Illusion’ by Tor Norretranders is a quote well loved by ‘Ihaleakalā:

The fact is that every single second, millions of bits of information flood in through our senses. But our consciousness processes only perhaps forty bits a second – at most. Millions and millions of bits are condensed to a conscious experience that contains practically no experience at all.”

To judge anything based on this is pure foolishness!

It’s actually freeing and a relief to know the best thing I can do is leave it all up to God, which I will do as I say the key words of Ho’oponopono:

I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.

I will leave creation alone today. I am a single part of it and therefore connected to everything else. I will let the intelligence that started it all take care of me and everything else. Let our oneness be blessed.

“Today I will judge nothing that occurs. I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.”