
ACIM Lesson 292: A happy outcome to all things is sure.

A happy outcome to all things is sure.

Motto alert!

Another one of my favourite ACIM lessons.

God guarantees us joy moment-to-moment. No exceptions.

But when I’m stuck in the data, all I get is chaos and pain.

As ever, it’s up to me to take 100% responsibility and choose, moment-to-moment, if and when I will return to that joy.

Do I accept the gifts of God or the gifts of the data?

The answer is obvious but so difficult!

God’s Will is always being done no matter what I choose to do and it’s up to me to choose that Will instead of the data.

I will therefore clean with the key words of Ho’oponopono:

I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you Father for your happy gifts!

I will clean, erase, erase myself out of the way so I can receive them now. All my problems are solved in the instant I choose to see with the eyes of the Divine!

“A happy outcome to all things is sure. I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.”