
ACIM: Final Lessons

Final Lessons – Introduction

The use of words is almost at an end.

I will use them at the beginning of the practice period but then start cleaning that I may go far beyond them.

It is through the cleaning that I can be reminded of the holiness of the world and hopefully attain peace. And it may be that if any brothers who are seeking God notice my serenity, they may choose to copy my demonstration!

This is the time to seek salvation for the world through forgiveness. This is what Divinity would have us do. This is the easiest and fastest way to recognise God and remember Him and who I am in Him.

And as I clean, I will thank my brother for showing me the way back to God. That’s all he is doing no matter what the data may tell me. The problems and resistance are all in me, the data and memories replaying. But through forgiveness of him and myself we can all be free.

I think it is a quote from Conversations with God: “I have sent you nothing but Angels”.

And so it is. For ultimately to judge a brother, to get angry, attack or seek revenge is insanity. In every case of judgement and retaliation I was mistaken. I merely in those moments forgot the truth.

Ho’oponopono is the quickest way to tell Divinity that I didn’t understand what was going on but now am willing to see things differently.

And by repeating the key words of Ho’oponopono:

I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.

… will my call be answered, as God responds:

“This is My Son, and all I have is his”. Nothing else is needed. This is all there is. Amen.