
Part II


The need for words diminishes now as we enter this final phase of the year we chose to spend with God as it begins to draw to an end.

Each day will present us with a central thought upon which we can meditate. God will do the rest. We have called. And He will answer.

All we need to do is call. And the best way to do this is to clean, to merely repeat once again the key words of Ho’oponopono as I contemplate the thought for the day:

I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.

As the Course says: “… we need only call to God, and all temptations disappear.”

Illusions of the world be gone! Beyond this world there is a world I want. And His name is all I need to find it.

I will choose not to judge (easier said than done!) that all things may be healed.

As we progress, there will be special themes that will be explored in the subsequent Lessons. Review the theme each day alongside the Lesson until the next theme is presented and then repeat the process.

The first of these themes will follow shortly.

Let’s begin…