
ACIM Lesson 35: My mind is part of God’s. I am very holy.

My mind is part of God’s. I am very holy.

Today I will not fool myself with thoughts that I am in this world.

My physical eyes suggest that I am living in a tangible, touchable, physical world and it is easy to believe that this is the truth.

My experiences suggest that I am living in a dangerous, stressful, abundant and beautiful world and it is easy to believe that this is the truth.

But this Lesson tells me that the image of the world that I have created for myself, in which I ‘see’ myself as a separate individual, is not real. The Course tells me that to continue in this way is to see through the image I have made. But: images cannot see. As the Course says: “This is not vision.” And it is Vision I want.

Today I am invited to connect with my Source in order to establish my true I-Dentity – exactly what Ho’oponopono invites me to do in every moment!

I will spend a while identifying the various attributes that I assign to myself – the good, the bad and the ugly. I will let them arise randomly rather than specifically attempt to include or exclude anything.

For example:

I see myself as stressed

I see myself as abundant

I see myself as losing out

… and so on. After identifying each one I will repeat today’s idea and then include the four key phrases of Ho’oponopono:

I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. I’m grateful.

In this way I can clean my Vision. It is my will to see with Divine Inspiration rather than merely attempt to peer through the murk of the memories replaying in my subconscious.

God is an integral part of my I-Dentity. And if our minds are joined, which they must be if my mind is part of God’s, I want that connection to be clear so I’ll always receive the memos from front office!

“My mind is part of God’s. I am very holy. I love you, I’m sorry, Forgive me, I’m grateful.”