
ACIM Lesson 127: There is no love but God’s.

There is no love but God’s.

Love is simply love. It exists wholly and uniformly. It doesn’t judge. It is changeless and perfect at all times, just like God, because that’s what God Is.

Of course, the data does not view love this way. I can love one person and in the next breath judge another. This belief in separateness rather than oneness suggests that the data has no idea what love really is. Judgement would be impossible if it did.

As ever, the fastest way out of the insanity is to clean!

As often as I can remember today I will repeat the key words of Ho’oponopono:

I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.

… whenever I am tempted to judge and therefore distance myself from the love of God.

It is His love that I want today, pure and healing. It is my desire to put the illusions and the data aside that I may look upon the world with the gentle eyes of Christ, my true Self and say:

“There is no love but God’s. I love you, I’m sorry, Forgive me, Thank you.”