
ACIM Lesson 197: It can be but my gratitude I earn.

It’s time for a reality check today.

When I forgive or act kindly to a brother, I should attach no requirements to his response. He has no need to offer thanks if he doesn’t want to. And I need to let it go if that’s the case.

After all, God requires no obligations. He loves unconditionally no matter what.

How fabulous life could be if only I could learn to do the same!

If I can move past the illusions, the data, and ‘come forth from the void into light’, sharing that perfection with another, it doesn’t really matter what my brother thinks. Whether he’s pleased or angry is of no concern.

For only love is real. And so, if I can get to that level of purity, he will feel it at some level even if he doesn’t outwardly show it. I will have ‘done my bit’. And nothing more is required.

As it is with Ho’oponopono, I must take 100% responsibility. It’s not up to him. It’s all up to me. The end!

So, as I bless my brother today I will follow up with the key words of Ho’oponopono:

I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.

… that I can also receive the gift I give to him. To forgive and then attack again is folly. It is rooted in the thinking of the world – hell – not the never ending joy of Heaven. And I know what I would seek today!

Again I ask: lead me not into temptation! In forgiving I am forgiven and there my gratitude lies.

Remind me instead that I am as God created me and forgiveness is my only function here.

“It can be but my gratitude I earn. I love you, I’m sorry, Forgive me, Thank you.”