
ACIM Lesson 261: God is my refuge and my security.

God is my refuge and my security.

Let me look today for refuge and security in the right place!

The world can offer me very little in this regard but God can offer me everything and more besides.

In God is my I-Dentity. Only in remembering this can I access the peace that passes all understanding and remember who I really am.

But should the world try to convince me otherwise with its deadlines and conflicts and talk of sin and death I will immediately clean with the key words of Ho’oponopono:

I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.

Lead me not into temptation today! Let me not be swayed by the idols and data of the world – the money, prestige, the accomplishments that I would seek to put before God.

That is madness. And only cleaning can make me sane as I make my way back to God. I will, as ‘Ihaleakalā would say, ‘just get to the cleaning!

“God is my refuge and my security. I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.”