
The Letting Go…


You may find, as you start working within and experimenting with “change me” prayers, that the issues, relationships or conditions that are causing your challenges remain.

This is not unusual and it doesn’t mean that you’re doing something “wrong” or that the Divine isn’t listening.

What often happens is that the ego cannot let go because there is a sponsoring thought keeping that situation locked in place.

In these cases, you need to offer it all up to the Divine. You may not know what thought or belief you have in your subconscious that is causing the block, but She does. So let’s have a look today at how you can offer it all to Love.

You have probably heard the phrase “let go and let God”. This is a fine statement as far as it goes but if you still have a mental block in place it makes it more difficult for God to step in and help.

For example, do you believe that God will pick it up?

This is the big block that needs to be removed.

Today, let’s take that statement a step further and completely release the whole thing to Divinity once and for all. Just in this moment ask yourself if you can be open to the possibility that God could intervene with a miracle and use this statement from Catherine Ponder:

I fully and freely forgive. I loose and let go. I let go and let God. Christ in me is my forgiving power. Christ in me is my releasing power. Christ in this situation is its forgiving power now and all is well!

– Catherine Ponder

If you can give it to God to deal with just for now, you can always take back control in five minutes if you think you can handle it better. But for now, why not give yourself a five-minute break from the chaos and the nonsense?

Remember: you don’t have to do this alone – if you don’t want to. God is always waiting for your invitation to step in and help. You have free will. You have to make the first move and ask.

You could even use a prayer such as “Change me into one who can ask for and receive help from the Divine”.

Let go and let God on a regular basis. Right now when there seems to be so much uncertainty in the world, so many people have had their confidence knocked by the impact of the pandemic and now the war in Ukraine on work and financial supply, it’s comforting to know that help is out there. It costs nothing and all you need do is ask.

God has access to channels of support you know nothing about. So why wouldn’t you ask for the burden to be released?

Play with this idea today and as the weight in your heart is lifted…

Expect Miracles!