
ACIM Lesson 6

I am upset because I see something that is not there.

This is an extension to yesterday’s lesson.

I will apply it to whatever seems to be troubling me in the following form:

I am angry about __________ because I see something that is not there. I love you, I’m sorry, Forgive me, Thank you.

And similarly:

I am worried about __________ because I see something that is not there. I love you, I’m sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You.

I am jealous of __________ because I see something that is not there. I love you, I’m sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You.

As with yesterday’s lesson, I will remember that:

There are no small upsets. They are all equally disturbing to my peace of mind.

I will remember that my mind is incapable of registering the millions of bits of information that are surrounding me at all times. My ‘vision’ in terms of the realm of the physical is therefore flawed. But I am willing to ‘see’ things differently.

And if I am, I know from ACIM that the Holy Spirit will react to my slightest invitation.

I choose today to endeavour to see my upsets with the eyes of Christ:

I love you, I’m sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You.