
ACIM Lesson 27: Above all else I want to see.

Above all else I want to see.

Today I will make Vision my priority.

I will repeat the idea for today as often as I can remember – the same way I repeat the four cleaning phrases of Ho’oponopono as often as I can remember. The latter I try to keep on a constant tape-loop – and allow my Unihipili (subconscious / inner child) to take over when I forget or get distracted by something else.

I will remind myself frequently that:

“Vision has no cost to anyone. It can only bless.”

In terms of Ho’oponopono I can also say that:

“Cleaning has no cost to anyone. It can only bless.”

After all, I am cleaning so I can ‘see’ with the true Vision of Divine Inspiration!

Today, I will combine the ACIM idea with Ho’oponopono and say as often as I can remember:

“Vision has not cost to anyone. I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I’m grateful. It can only bless. I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I’m grateful.”

… and then carry on as I was.

“Above all else I want to see. I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I’m grateful.”