
ACIM Lesson 102: I share God’s Will for happiness for me.

I share God’s Will for happiness for me.

Suffering and pain are merely illusions and have no power to do anything constructive in my life. And yet I am so tempted to cling to them! There is so much data to clean before I can be truly free.

It’s debatable whether I’ll achieve that in this lifetime. But I do know that the more I clean, the closer I can get to peace and happiness. Bliss!

The cleaning therefore puts me in an excellent position to experience God’s Will for me!

Today I will once again claim happiness as my function. And the quickest way to do that is to merely keep on cleaning with the key phrases of Ho’oponopono:

I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.

I’ve been mistaken for so long – probably lifetimes upon lifetimes, caught up in the data and the confusion of the memories!

But in this is the moment I choose another way. I will choose happiness from now on. And if I find myself in a situation where I don’t feel happy I will realise I have slipped into temptation and clean my way out!

I could also repeat one of Marianne Williamson’s prayers, which relates to Ho’oponopono rather well: Thank you: may God’s Will be done!

To simply repeat ‘thank you’ is a cleaning tool. An easy but highly effective and a sure way to get back on the road and free-wheeling to happiness. See you there!

“I share God’s Will for happiness for me. I love you, I’m sorry, Forgive me, Thank you.”