
ACIM Lesson 122: Forgiveness offers everything I want.

Forgiveness offers everything I want.

In terms of the good stuff, is there anything forgiveness doesn’t offer?

If I want peace of mind, happiness, joy, gentleness, worth, beauty, trust and safety and a whole host of other things, forgiveness offers it all to me and so much more!

So the question is, will I accept it and clean?

Will I make the choice to clean the data so that I can remember who I truly am and establish my connection with the Divine? After all, that connection is what I really want. Today I am willing to cut all the needless ties with people, places and things that keep me in hell!

Or, once again, will I fall into the temptation of the data?

Peace of mind is what I want. And to make my way there, all I need to do is say the key words of Ho’oponopono over and over:

I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.

Today I will take responsibility and ask to be forgiven. Cleaning (salvation) is my only function here. It offers everything I want!

“Forgiveness offers everything I want. I love you, I’m sorry, Forgive me, Thank you.”