
ACIM Lesson 165: Let not my mind deny the Thought of God.

It is the illusions, the data, that keep the truth hidden from me. To believe the world is real is insanity. The illusions obscure the truth that lies beyond.

The Thought of God created me. And today I will not deny Heaven. It is mine for the asking because it is God’s Will that I dwell there.

I will ask to receive Heaven and see with the eyes of Christ today as I put the illusions of the world, the data, aside and repeat the key words of Ho’oponopono:

I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.

Even if I doubt this is possible God is sure and certain. There is hope indeed that I will receive a breakthrough today!

I will remember from an earlier Lesson that God is the strength in which I trust.

That strength is all I want.

“Let not my mind deny the Thought of God. I love you, I’m sorry, Forgive me, Thank you.”