
3. What is the world?

3. What is the world?

The world is an illusion. But it is up to me to take 100% responsibility and change the thought of separation to one of true forgiveness. For then I will see the world through the eyes of Divinity.

The world we know symbolises fear, something Divinity knows nothing about. And so I am in a place, an alien place, where I could conceive of myself as being apart from God. In truth, no such separation is possible, for as the Course tells me, God goes with me wherever I go. Nevertheless, my senses, which I rely on while in this physical body, deceive me.

I must be willing to see the world differently. I can choose to focus on the illusions of the data. Or, I can focus instead on the world the Holy Spirit would show me. It is in focussing on the light that will bring me the peace that passes all understanding and forgiveness will be made complete. That is my function here: to clean and – in the words of the Course – ‘save the world’. In this, that which be seen through the physical eyes as bodies made to die, may be ultimately restored and raised to everlasting life.