
ACIM Lesson 252: The Son of God is my I-Dentity.

The Son of God is my I-Dentity.

It is impossible for the mortal mind to really grasp what it means to be the Son of God and therefore holy.

It is in this that the strength of God can be found. I will not be disillusioned today by the ‘burning impulses’ that move the world I see around me. Instead, I will look within.

My true Self is not in this world for it is Spirit, unfettered by the mundanity of earning a living or buying a house or getting a bigger car.

Frankly, I will choose the wishes of Spirit every time! This will indeed build up my storehouse in Heaven.

And as ever, when the data tries to convince me that I am an insignificant nothing, a speck of dust in the grand scheme of things, I will remind myself that I am actually Spirit, holy beyond measure as I ask for forgiveness for my incorrect perceptions about myself as I repeat the key words of Ho’oponopono:

I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.

By cleaning I can get closer to Divinity and be reminded of who I really am.

For when I remember my I-Dentity anything is possible!

“The Son of God is my I-Dentity. I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.”