
ACIM Lesson 254: Let every voice but God’s be still in me.

Let every voice but God’s be still in me.

All I desire today is to hear God’s voice. That’s it. All I want is the truth!

And to ensure I can open the channel to get a clear signal from the Divine, I will clean with the key words of Ho’oponopono:

I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.

Today, should the data, the ‘ego’ speak to me I will merely notice its words and quietly let them go. They come with too much baggage! Why would I keep them? Today all I want is to hear God’s voice, for Him to tell me of my will which is one with His.

“Let every voice but God’s be still in me. I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.”