
ACIM Lesson 259: Let me remember that there is no sin.

Let me remember that there is no sin.

It’s God’s Will that we find our way to Him.

And it is sin that makes that goal seem unattainable.

Pure madness!

This is why it is a fact that God didn’t create sin. It’s meaningless to Him and so it should be meaningless to us. The end!

If only it were like that in real life!

It’s sin – the data – that generates the illusions that evil is real, that we should suffer for saying the wrong thing for the rest of our lives and that we live in a world of fear.

Sin tries to make love seem like attack. It’s all smoke and mirrors.

Let me not be deceived today as I regain my sanity by repeating the key words of Ho’oponopono:

I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.

I will remember today that love has no opposite, simply because God didn’t create one. I will therefore not be insane today. I will remember that everything, including me, is as God created it and there is nothing to fear.

I am willing to see things differently, through the eyes of Divine Inspiration. On this God and I can agree!

“Let me remember that there is no sin. I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.”