
ACIM Lesson 268: Let all things be exactly as they are.

Let all things be exactly as they are.

To judge anything or anyone is to judge God.

Not such a great move!

I will call to mind the quote I often use from ‘The User Illusion’ by Tor Norretranders that was so well loved by ‘Ihaleakalā:

The fact is that every single second, millions of bits of information flood in through our senses. But our consciousness processes only perhaps forty bits a second – at most. Millions and millions of bits are condensed to a conscious experience that contains practically no experience at all.”

To judge anything based on this really is pure foolishness!

I will therefore let everything that happens today simply be and allow it to unfold as God created it. In doing so, I can recognise my Self as God created me and let go of the need to control.

I can ultimately control nothing – except my willingness to clean once again with the key words of Ho’oponopono when temptation strikes:

I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.

It is only by allowing reality to be what it is that I can be free of pain and loss and the sights and sounds of the illusions of the world!

Truth is what I seek today and nothing else. Lead me not into temptation!

“Let all things be exactly as they are. I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.”