
ACIM Lesson 284: I can elect to change all thoughts that hurt.

I can elect to change all thoughts that hurt.

The Course has explained many times that pain is impossible. And it is towards this full realisation that I am journeying today.

At first the idea for today seems simple enough.

Easy enough when things are calm.

But I know it’s when I’m up against all the odds and the stress is high that I will likely run into difficulties.

I can understand the truth in it intellectually, but in practice? Oh, boy! That takes some doing.

But I will persevere today. And I know that if I am willing to keep cleaning moment-to-moment with the key words of Ho’oponopono:

I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.

… I stand a chance of making it to the other side, to fully accept that this is so, rather than it being something I can occasionally do if conditions are right.

God does not mete out pain. Why would He? It’s meaningless to Him. Pain is merely the illusions and data. It’s through the cleaning that I can establish trust in God that His gifts are joyous and for my own highest good. In this I will find my own Shangri-La, right here within my mind.

“I can elect to change all thoughts that hurt. I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.”