
ACIM Lesson 288: Let me forget my brother’s past today.

Let me forget my brother’s past today.

Without my brother I can never find my way to God. He is my greatest teacher and surest guide!

Even when he does something to which the data in me reacts negatively, it is my immediate cue to clean.

Here he is, giving me one more chance to be free of the memories! Holy is he indeed!

As the course says: ‘His sins are in the past along with mine and I am saved because the past is gone’.

He is here to remind me of that. Judge not, that ye not be judged! Let me not attack the person sent to save me.

Better to forgive instead once more with the key words of Ho’oponopono that I may see beyond the illusions to the truth of our joint I-Dentity.

I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.

We are all equal to God, none of us ‘better’ or ‘holier’ than the next. This is what Ho’oponopono does, it reminds me we are all in it together and it’s up to me to start the forgiveness process no matter what.

“Let me forget my brother’s past today. I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.”