
ACIM Lesson 294: My body is a wholly neutral thing.

My body is a wholly neutral thing.

As the Course reminds me: ‘I am a Son of God’.

In other words, I am Spirit.

In other words, the body is nothing, merely a useful device for learning.

When my time here on the planet comes to an end I will merely lay it aside like a suit of clothes that no longer fit.

The clothes aren’t ‘wrong’ they simply have no further purpose for me.

And it is through cleaning that I can remind myself of my own connection to Divinity whenever the data tries to convince me that my body is the most important thing I own.

Is the body really more important than my Divine Sonship?

I think not!

Time, then, to clean once again with the key words of Ho’oponopono:

I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.

… that I may remember who I really am. I can use my time in the body to learn to see past the dreams and the illusions of the data and memories. It’s currently very helpful in that regard. But once learning ends that’s it! I will leave it and move on to new adventures. Then I will truly see with Divine eyes.

“My body is a wholly neutral thing. I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.”