
ACIM Lesson 309: I will not fear to look within today.

I will not fear to look within today.

It’s quite simple, really.

I am eternally innocent. Why? Because that’s how God created me.

That’s how He intended me to be.

That is His Will!

And who am I to argue with the Will of God when ultimately that’s all I want?

It’s the data and memories replaying that are in conflict with this, constantly reminding me of my sins – mistakes – and convincing me I am wrong and should somehow be punished.

Nothing could be further from the truth. And it is by looking within that I will find the truth and forgiveness for my incorrect perceptions as I repeat the key words of Ho’oponopono:

I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.

This is my release from sin. On the altar of my mind is my true Self, my true I-Dentity.

I love you, dear memories, for this opportunity to clean. I am sorry I ever doubted who I am. Please forgive me for my incorrect perceptions. Thank you, Divinity, for setting me free.

“I will not fear to look within today. I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.”