
ACIM Lesson 325: All things I think I see reflect ideas.

All things I think I see reflect ideas.

As within, so without.

Whatever I think on the inside will become my reality on the outside.

Whatever I see in this room, on this street, in this place, is a direct reflection of my thoughts.

The end!

It is my mind that decides what is important and worth protecting and what is not. And yet my mind, as I know, can only process about 15 bits of the millions and millions of bits of information bombarding it in any moment.

Surely, then, it’s insanity to believe any of it! After all, as the Course says ‘… from insane wishes comes an insane world’.

If I judge any of it, I am condemning it – and completely misguided in doing so.

But, if I can get clear for just a moment and start cleaning, I can issue forth forgiving thoughts that will bless this weary world and everyone in it. From there I can make may way, along with my brothers, to Heaven and to God.

Time, then, to clean once again with the key words of Ho’oponopono:

I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.

Divinity’s thoughts are pure truth. Mine apart from Divinity’s thoughts can only make up dreams. Today I choose to see with Divine eyes, those things that God’s thoughts reflect.

“All things I think I see reflect ideas. I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.”