
ACIM Lesson 338: I am affected only by my thoughts.

I am affected only by my thoughts.

Ain’t that the truth!

It’s time to reframe the thoughts of fear into thoughts of opportunity and happiness.

Time to focus on what I want rather than what I don’t want!

Should my thoughts frighten me today I will remember that since they belong to me, I have the power to change them.

It’s the data and memories that keep me stuck in negative thinking. And it’s all an illusion to keep me from moving forward. I will not crucify myself today when God has built my redemption and salvation into the system.

I will therefore clean with the key words of Ho’oponopono:

I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.

… that I may think as God thinks and make my way back home to Him.

As long as I keep thinking “I love you” no matter what is going on, I’ll be fine!

“I am affected only by my thoughts. I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.”