
ACIM Lesson 345: I offer only miracles today.

A miracle is a gift from God.

And I can give and receive a miracle every time I forgive. For to give and to receive are one in truth.

With every act of forgiveness a miracle is returned to me in just the form I need to solve a problem the data perceives. So here once again, are ACIM and Ho’oponopono in complete alignment!

I will forgive by using the key phrases of Ho’oponopono:

I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.

… and a miracle is received! Forgiveness always leads back to Divinity. There is really no excuse not to do the cleaning!

I will therefore bless the world today by offering what I have received as I say:

“I offer only miracles today, for I would have them be returned to me. I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.”