
14. What Am I?

What Am I?

According to the Course:

“I am God’s Son, complete and healed and whole, shining in the reflection of His Love. In me is His creation sanctified and guaranteed eternal life. In me is love perfected, fear impossible and joy established without opposite. I am the holy home of God Himself. I am the Heaven where His Love resides. I am His holy Sinlessness Itself, for in my purity abides His Own.”

And here I am, nearly at the end of the year I chose to spend with God.

And while the need for words is nearly at an end I can nevertheless use them to remind others of their function here, which is the same as mine – to forgive and accept the Atonement.

This is salvation! Through my willingness to clean and forgive, the world is saved. And the gift I give the world is duly given back to me, multiplied!

All I need to do is keep cleaning. All other functions, according to the Course, are meaningless. As ‘Ihaleakalā once said, ‘My only purpose here is to clean’. Now I fully understand what he meant.

He was merely welcoming in the truth.

Through the cleaning we can see with Divine eyes a world redeemed. Our ears will hear the Voice for God proclaim the world is sinless. Our minds will join and bless this world. And we will remember we are all one, all joined, all able to share the peace that passes all understanding.

I will speak for God and tell the truth to everyone He sends me, for that truth is now written on my heart. My mind is now clear about why I came to this earth, to clean, forgive and remind everyone they are perfect.

I am finally at the open gates of Heaven. Time to enter in ‘… and disappear into the Heart of God’.
