
ACIM Lesson 352: Judgement and love are opposites.

Judgement and love are opposites. From one come all the sorrows of the world. But from the other comes the peace of God Himself.

Forgiveness can only look on sinlessness, for forgiveness sees with Divine eyes and will never judge.

It is judgement – the data and memories replaying – that make me blind. Blind not only to another’s perfection but also my own!

Is it a price worth paying just to be ‘right’?

I think not.

I would rather love and forgive and be at peace, than judge and be in pain.

So when the data starts urging me to point fingers, I will immediately clean with the key words of Ho’oponopono:

I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.

I will remember my true I-Dentity today. And I will also remember yours.

“Judgement and love are opposites. From one come all the sorrows of the world. But from the other comes the peace of God Himself. I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.”