
ACIM Lesson 357: Truth answers every call we make to God…

Truth answers every call we make to God, responding first with miracles, and then returning unto us to be itself.

This Lesson is all about forgiveness.

And so it is in total alignment with Ho’oponopono!

The crux of the Lesson is to forgive my brother.

I will remember that when someone does something I don’t like or don’t agree with, it’s the data in me that is causing the issue.

He’s perfect!

It’s completely up to me to take 100% responsibility and clean up the mess, which I will do by repeating the key words of Ho’oponopono:

I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.

By forgiving him – and me for my incorrect perceptions – I can find the way back to Divinity.

The short prayer in this Lesson sums it up perfectly:

“Behold his sinlessness, and be you healed.”


“Truth answers every call we make to God, responding first with miracles, and then returning unto us to be itself. I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.”