
The Challenge


I have decided to challenge myself, after reading this week’s challenge in Pam Grout’s fabulous “Art & Soul, Reloaded”, to write a blog every day for the next seven days. Not only, as Pam points out, is it free to write a blog, but apparently Seth Godin recommends doing this. How can I ignore Pam and Seth?

So, here is the first offering.

For a while now in my Morning Pages I’ve been alluding to the fact that “I am a writer”. The problem is, I haven’t been writing. I mean, I write Morning Pages every day but that’s not really writing. No-one is going to read my Morning Pages. And while I wrote and self-published a book on Kindle back in 2013, I’ve not really done any writing since. So I can say with some certainty that I was a writer, but I’m certainly not one now.

Until now!

The question is, what are you currently putting off? Like me, do you want to be a writer… or would you rather be a painter, or maths teacher, or a minister or the world’s greatest tax attorney? It doesn’t matter to me, but I know it means a great deal to you.

So what are you doing today to move you towards that dream? Are you daily writing your “blog” – or whatever the equivalent is for you? Every day, can you climb into bed – no matter what job you may be doing as I suspect your dream is not what you currently do full time – and say, with authority “I AM a __________!”. Fifteen minutes or so is all it takes to start moving forward.

If the answer is no, there’s no better time to start than right now! And if the answer is yes, congratulations! You’re on the way. Get going, keep going and…

… as you dare to step out in faith…

Expect Miracles!

If you’d like to know how you can put today’s ideas into action, let’s chat! Just go to to book a complementary Strategy Session.