The Dynamic Fundamentals

The Spirituality of Business

Do you view your work, whether that’s a job or your own biz, or a ‘side’ biz you operate from the back bedroom a ‘spiritual‘ thing?

Mabel Katz in her book “Zero Frequency” talks about Spirituality being the foundation for what you do. She tells the story of going to Japan to give a seminar on Ho’oponopono and being asked why she hadn’t mentioned her seminars had a spiritual element. She replied that if she’d talked about that in US no-one would hire her. The organizer replied:

“In Japan, we wouldn’t hire you unless we knew your seminars had a spiritual component, because in Japan we know that the foundation of a successful business is spirituality.”

– Mabel Katz


Bet you never thought about your work in that way before! But it’s true. Whether you call it God, Source, Divinity, Nature, Tao, Green Man or anything else: the ‘Big Something’ that we all kind of know is out there even if we wouldn’t outwardly admit it, is directly connected to us and so, by default to our businesses, our work… and our finances… the bottom line!

Wouldn’t it be useful, then, to have this ‘benevolent element’ on our side?

Well, Ho’oponopono could just help you move forward on your spiritual path by voiding the negative memories that could be causing the challenges and problems in your current situation. In terms of your business/career this can help you open your mind to enable Divinity to clear your energy to, for example…

  • Connect with the “right” clients…
  • Connect with the perfect colleagues…
  • Select the ideal business premises…
  • Raise your fees to a level that beautifully supports you…
  • Make your way up the ‘career ladder’ with grace and ease… and much more!

If this alternative approach to business is piquing your interest, let’s talk! Just reach out to connect with me or, find out more about Ho’oponopono.