The Dynamic Fundamentals

How to put yourself in the right place at the right time

Today’s ACIM Lesson – God is my strength. Vision is His gift – is fine enough on its own.

But it’s a few lines from the second paragraph that really grab my attention:

Your passage through time and space is not at random. You cannot but be in the right place at the right time. Such is the strength of God. Such are His gifts.”

– ACIM Lesson 42

This should be of great comfort!

It suggests you couldn’t get it ‘wrong’ even if you tried!

If you’re always in the right place at the right time… and, as a result, presumably doing the right things in the right way with the right people to get the right results… you truly can take a deep breath and R. E. L. A. X.

Even if where you are feels ‘boring’ or ‘wrong’ or ‘edgy’ it’s still ok for you to be there right in this moment but if you feel the urge, the inspiration to move, then absolutely do so.

The best advice I can give is for you to clean on where you currently are and who you are currently with. 

It is fully your responsibility that you are where you are. You created it. There are no accidents or coincidences in the universe! It’s all perfectly planned by Divinity with input from yourself. Your thoughts, however seemingly idle, do not mean nothing.

You forget what a powerful creator you are!

And you co-created your current life scenario with God.

So whether you like it or not, if you desire to be a Ho’oponopono practitioner, you must take 100% responsibility for it. Clean on it.

It is no accident that you are geographically where you are. The land on which you are currently located is sacred and you have connections to it that go back to the beginning of creation. Who knows what events played out there in the past that you have no idea about?

Thankfully it’s not your job to know what may have transpired and what your part in it was. It’s only your job to take responsibility and clean on it now.

Now is where the action is.

Good or bad, you are where you are to make amends.


Stop blaming the boss for being a jerk because… you are only there to notice what is being triggered in you, to take responsibility, to clean and make amends.

Stop blaming your partner for not doing the washing up because… you are only there to notice what is being triggered in you, to take responsibility, to clean and make amends.

Stop blaming the boiler for giving up in the middle of winter and leaving you in a cold house because… you are only there to notice what is being triggered in you, to take responsibility, to clean and make amends.

Stop blaming your debts for putting you in a tricky financial situation because… you are only there to notice what is being triggered in you, to take responsibility, to clean and make amends.

Stop blaming your clients for not paying on time because… you are only there to notice what is being triggered in you, to take responsibility, to clean and make amends.

Stop blaming the government, the economy or anything else for the state of your bank balance because… you are only there to notice what is being triggered in you, to take responsibility, to clean and make amends.

You get the idea.

In Ho’oponopono your boiler and your money, like your boss, your partner and your clients, has an I-Dentity. Everything is alive. And as soon as you can begin to accept that, the sooner you realise that literally everything in your life, animate and inanimate, ‘good’ or ‘bad’ is merely an opportunity to clean!

Every person you meet, whether personally, professionally or even just randomly in passing on the street, is an opportunity to clean.

And as it says in Conversations with God:

Why else do you think a person has come to you? I tell you this: every person who has ever come to you has come to receive a gift from you. In so doing, he gives a gift to you—the gift of your experiencing and fulfilling Who You Are. When you see this simple truth, when you understand it, you see the greatest truth of all: I HAVE SENT YOU NOTHING BUT ANGELS.”

Conversations with God, Book 2

So even people who piss you off are gifts! Situations that piss you off are gifts!

And all you need to do is acknowledge that and clean.

Bring to mind your biggest challenge and say with me the key cleaning words of Ho’oponopono:

“I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you”

So today, tomorrow and for the rest of you life, keep cleaning!

No matter who, what, when or where, keep cleaning!

Do that and watch things begin to change for the better as you give Divinity a chance to bring clarity to your life by transmuting the memories that are causing all the problems to void.

Cleaning is the fastest way to ‘let go and let God’… and it never ends.

This is how you put Divinity in charge and act from inspiration.

Inspired action is key.

Inspired action is you following where God wants to lead you.

Inspired action enables you to be in the right place at the right time no matter what is going on in your business or personal life. So as ˋIhaleakalā would say, “Just get to the cleaning!” You won’t regret it.