
ACIM Lesson 21

I am determined to see things differently.

Whilst yesterday’s application of the Lesson was general, today I need to get specific as to where I direct my thoughts.

ACIM asks me to pick out any situation or person in my life from the past, present or the anticipated future that generates a feeling of anger in me.

I will then apply to it the Lesson for the day.

For example:

“I am determined to see [name of person] differently.”

“I am determined to see [specific situation] differently.”

I will drill down as far as I can to the essence of that which is disturbing me and causing any feeling of anger, whether it’s a mild disturbance or a full-on feeling of rage. The ‘level’ of the anger doesn’t matter.

Again, I can also clean on the person or situation with Ho’oponopono. I could simply think of the person/situation and say to them/it:

I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. I’m grateful.

… or, I could combine the two, for example:

“I am determined to see [name of person] differently. I love you, I’m sorry, Forgive me, I’m grateful.”

The great thing about Ho’oponopono is that I don’t have to know what is causing the upset. I need only say the words and trust that the Divinity will clean for me the data that is causing the anger in the first place. What Divinity cleans and transmutes is gone for ever and I am then free and the Universe is free.

So, no matter who or what annoys me today I will simply notice it, take a deep breath and say:

“I am determined to see things differently. I love you, I’m sorry, Forgive me, I’m grateful.”