
ACIM Lesson 42: God is my strength. Vision is His gift.

God is my strength. Vision is His gift.

On my own I am powerless. But as I discovered in Lesson 38, “… there is nothing the power of God cannot do.” And if it is God’s will that I learn to see with true Vision – which it is – then I cannot fail!

Reassuringly this Lesson tells me that my “… passage through time and space is not at random. You cannot but be in the right place at the right time.” God has it all under control. All I need to do is dedicate my will to see with Divine Inspiration to Him.

It could therefore be said that just as God goes with me wherever I go, so His strength goes with me too. No matter where I am, I am capable of dealing with it. I just need to trust that God will catch me if I fall.

So today I will search for thoughts that relate to today’s idea.

For example, the following might come to mind:

“Vision must be possible. God gives truly.”

“God’s gifts must be mine because He gave them to me.”

“If God goes with me wherever I go I must share His strength.”

The good news is that I can add further powder to the cartridge by using Ho’oponopono. I can clean on any thought that comes to mind, telling God as I do so that I want to be free, asking that any resistance on my part whether I perceive it or not, be dissolved so I can stay at peace and with Him.

After each thought crosses my mind, I will therefore repeat the key phrases of Ho’oponopono:

I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.

… so that I can remove as much data as possible as I move through time and space.

This is letting go and letting God.

My only problem, according to the Course, is I think I am separate from God. Today’s Lesson reminds me once again that we are joined and that His Will will be done!

I will remember that God’s gifts are limitless and can only bless. With Him, there is nothing my holiness cannot do.

“God is my strength. Vision is His gift. I love you, I’m sorry, Forgive me, Thank you.”