
ACIM Lesson 56: Review of Lessons 26-30

Review of Lessons 26-30

Idea 26: My attack thoughts are attacking my invulnerability.

I have given up my inheritance – the peace and love of God – for the world, the world of data. In this world I can be attacked, hurt and even killed. I can get into debt, suffer terrible and terrifying illnesses and ultimately lose it all. Thankfully, “God has kept my inheritance safe for me” and if I can get to my real thoughts, the thoughts I think with Him, I will find it. Time to start cleaning!

“I love you, I’m sorry, Forgive me, Thank you.”

Idea 27: Above all else I want to see.

As within, so without. What I see on the inside is a direct reflection of what I see on the outside and whether my vision comes from fear or from Love I will experience ‘reality’ accordingly. Today I will clean and choose Love. I choose 20-20 Vision.

“I love you, I’m sorry, Forgive me, Thank you.”

Idea 28: Above all else I want to see differently.

While I am pre-occupied with the world and the data, truth has no way to enter my awareness. I am therefore torturing myself with the illusion of the ‘real’. Today I will clean that the veil might be lifted and I at least get a glimpse of a world that fully reflects the Love of God.

“I love you, I’m sorry, Forgive me, Thank you.”

Idea 29: God is in everything I see.

I desire nothing more than to get to the point where I can see the Light of God in everything I look upon. This cup is holy. That pen is holy. That body is holy. Whatever it is, I want to see past worldly experiences to the Truth that lies beyond. Ho’oponopono will help me: I am sorry for whatever it is in me that is blinding me to the Truth in all things. I want to see God.

“I love you, I’m sorry, Forgive me, Thank you.”

Idea 30: God is in everything I see because God is in my mind.

The Course is clear that my biggest problem is thinking I am somehow separate from God. This is impossible. I am an idea in the mind of God and an idea – a thought – does not leave its source. I am not separate. In my saner moments I can remember that “I and the Father are One.” He is right here. I have nothing to fear. I am sorry, Father, for forgetting this truth.

“I love you, I’m sorry, Forgive me, Thank you.”