
Lesson 64: Let me not forget my function.

Let me not forget my function.

The first sentence of today’s Lesson puts it all in perspective:

Today’s idea is merely another way of saying ‘Let me not wander into temptation.”

The world is set up in such a way that the endless distractions seek to make me forget what my function is. I am tempted into judgement and blame. Let me not be tempted today to forget God and abandon Him.

Thankfully, the Holy Spirit understands the real meaning of the world and with a little willingness on my part can show me how to forgive myself and everything else.

It is God’s will that I be the light of the world, a function I share with you and everyone else. There is no need for fear or arrogance in the realisation of this, it merely is. God is no respecter of persons!

This function is the clearest, fastest and happiest way to escape the world of illusions and I will definitely choose it today. In short, I can either fulfil my function and be happy, or ignore it and remain in hell – the data and memories replaying.

And as there is no order of difficulty in miracles, so is there no difficulty in merely deciding to be happy or not. And if for some reason I think there is, I will recognise the illusion, the data here to tempt me away from my true calling and clean with the four key phrases of Ho’oponopono:

I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.

Today, then, I will say to myself throughout the day:

“Let me not forget my function.

Let me not try to substitute mine for God’s.

Let me forgive and be happy.”

This is a happy day indeed, that my true reason for being here is revealed. It’s not about the money, the job, paying the rent, foreign holidays or losing weight.

It is merely to be happy and forgive.

As the great bard once said: “To be or not to be, that is the question.”

I know what I will choose to be today.

“Let me not forget my function. I love you, I’m sorry, Forgive me, Thank you.”