
Lesson 67: Love created me like itself.

Love created me like itself.

This idea is the reason why I am the light of the world and a key player in the salvation of the world.

This is the truth about me – and, for that matter, the truth about you!

Having pondered the idea for today I will then add some related thoughts, such as:

“Holiness created me holy.

Kindness created me kind.”

… and so on.

These related thoughts are in fact attributes of God. And importantly, the Course confirms that, with these attributes, I am “… part of His definition of Himself.” Yowza!

Of course, the data will do everything it can to distract me from this realisation and this is why it is so important to constantly clean, clean, clean:

I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.

After all, if I am part of God’s definition of Himself, where does that leave the data, the ego? The ego has to be top dog at all costs and will perceive this as a direct threat.

No matter. I choose to contemplate today’s idea and look for related thoughts.

And if, as the Lesson explains, I can get to the awareness of “… a blazing light in which you recognize yourself as love created you” I will know that the cleaning is definitely working! This is my goal for today.

I will remember the truth of who I am. I will not be tempted to listen to the data and its false illusions about myself. Today I am going straight for God!

“Love created me like itself. I love you, I’m sorry, Forgive me, Thank you.”