
Lesson 69: My grievances hide the light of the world in me.

My grievances hide the light of the world in me.

As I concluded yesterday: I can either have a grievance or, I can be happy. I cannot have both.

And if I am allowing the data, the memories replaying, to tie me to a grievance, how, then could I fulfil my function here as the light of the world?

Today I am going to choose the light over the dark – the memories and the grievances. Who needs it?

There is a visualisation with today’s Lesson. In my mind the light in me is completely obscured by clouds (data). I am invited to brush (clean) the clouds aside as I make my way through them to the blazing light of my holiness within.

Today I will have full confidence in God as I make my steady way towards the light.

As dear Morrnah would say:

Cleaneraseerase and find your own Shangri-La. Where? Within yourself.”

As I make my way through the clouds I will therefore repeat the key words of Ho’oponopono:

I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.

… and remind myself that today of all days:

“My grievances hide the light of the world in me. I cannot see what I have hidden. Yet I want to let it be revealed to me, for my salvation and the salvation of the world.”

The light is my own personal Shangri-La and this is what I choose to find today.

“My grievances hide the light of the world in me. I love you, I’m sorry, Forgive me, Thank you.”