
ACOM Lesson 161: Give me your blessing, holy Son of God.

Give me your blessing, holy Son of God.

This Lesson once again points to the fact that the body’s eyes see everyone else as separate and therefore capable of attack.

Fear is everywhere.

How can I be safe when all around me are these separate people, with agendas I know nothing about, who could turn my world upside down in an instant?

This is the data controlling my perceptions of all the other people I share this planet with.

But my brother is not a body any more than I am.

We are both Spirit and united. There is only one of us here.

I will remember this when I am tempted by the illusions of the world to think that all the people I meet are just flesh and bone.

Flesh and bone can die and rot and disappear.

Is this really all that God had in mind for me?

Of course not! Spirit cannot be changed or destroyed. It is life, now and forever and ever more.

So when I am tempted to judge a brother because I have forgotten who he really is, I will clean with the key words of Ho’oponopono:

I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.

… and I will ask him for his blessing. I choose to see him with the eyes of Christ rather than through the shades (memories) that distort my vision. It is my goal to see clearly today, that I will recognise that Christ is in my midst and God has sent me nothing but angels!

“Give me your blessing, holy Son of God. I love you, I’m sorry, Forgive me, Thank you.”