
ACIM Lesson 246: To love my Father is to love His Son.

To love my Father is to love His Son.

I cannot fully connect with Divinity and receive all the Divine Inspiration I need if I am simultaneously judging a brother.

God loves all of us equally – no matter what!

It’s the data in me that see his ‘faults’. He is perfect!

It’s up to me to take 100% responsibility and ask for forgiveness for my incorrect perceptions of him. Then we can both walk to God together.

And the quickest way to do that is to repeat the key words of Ho’oponopono:

I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.

The only way I can truly show my love for my brother is to clean. No matter what.

The if’s, buts, how comes, why’s… are all irrelevant.

My will is God’s Will, that we may all remember who we are and our everlasting relationship to each other.

“To love my Father is to love His Son. I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.”