
ACIM Lesson 299: Eternal holiness abides in me.

Eternal holiness abides in me.

I can never really understand the extent of my own holiness, or yours or anyone else’s. But God understands and Our combined Will understands it.

God created it and so it is. And yet it is so easy to forget that when I am caught up in and reacting to the data and memories of the world replaying. How easy it is to be blown off course!

When the wobble starts and I forget who I really am I will immediately clean with the key words of Ho’oponopono:

I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.

My holiness is forever perfect because it is not of me. My mistakes – sins – can touch it not. It cannot be attacked.

God – who is Holiness Itself – created it. What, therefore could ever affect it? I can rest easy today knowing that through my holiness I can be aware of my Source, as my Father wills that He be known.

“Eternal holiness abides in me. I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.”