
ACIM Lesson 300: Only an instant does this world endure.

Only an instant does this world endure.

This could be understood two ways.

I could see the world as the body sees it, that I am only here for a short while – an instant in the context of creation.

Or, I could see it from the Viewpoint of Spirit, that the world is merely an illusion that can be moved aside at any time. It can be replaced by serenity in any moment and it is this I seek today.

Whenever the illusions and data of the world try to convince me the world is a place of death and decay I will immediately clean with the key words of Ho’oponopono:

I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.

… that I may move quickly back to serenity. I will not be lost in the illusions a moment longer. Today I will remember my true I-Dentity, moving past the world to eternity.

“Only an instant does this world endure. I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.”