
ACIM Lesson 315: All gifts my brothers give belong to me.

All gifts my brothers give belong to me.

If I can just stay conscious, I will notice a thousand blessings and gifts today, courtesy of my brothers.

A smile can lift the heart.

A word of thanks can give a gift of hope and appreciation.

A door held open points to our oneness.

Little things.

But it is in these little things that I can realise, moment by moment, that every brother I meet throughout the day is my saviour. Why should I attack him when my gratitude is due?

I will ignore the data that screams of separation and attack as I repeat the key words of Ho’oponopono:

I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.

For having received these gifts, I will happily give my own, thankful that they all point the way back to God.

“All gifts my brothers give belong to me. I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.”