
I think 2024 is gonna be a great year!

Today I decided to do a quick Tarot draw to see what’s currently going on the world.

I started off by doing a Ho’oponopono meditation and then drew the cards.

I got a rather interesting spread:

The Sun. Death. The Hermit.

I kinda wanted the Sun but was shocked when it was the first one off the top of the deck!

The Sun is one of the best cards in the Tarot, illuminating everything around it and uplifting even negative cards like Death for the better. Any changes signified by Death will bring almost incredible benefits when the Sun is nearby!

Yes please!

But over the holidays I did get to meet up with old friends, which the Sun signifies and we had a blast! So far so good. Let prosperity and the good times roll!

Death is also welcome.


Because 2024 is the year I’m being offered a chance to drop the old way of doing things and go for something new.

A house move is currently taking place.

And I’ve been investing in myself and I’m looking forward to broadening my career this year. It’s definitely time for a brand new start! Coupled with the Sun, I can’t lose!

And finally, the Hermit.

Time to retreat within and get my thoughts and ideas in order. Time to give Divine Inspiration a chance.

And once again, in combination with the Sun, inner wisdom and harmony are at the fore!

So, a brilliant way to start the year.

I wish you a year of happiness and blessings and new beginnings. Feel free to share your Tarot findings if you’ve done a New Year spread!