
ACIM Lesson 195: Love is the way I walk in gratitude.

Lesson 195: Love is the way I walk in gratitude.

There is the notion that when it comes to other people’s problems, most people are glad they have them and the rest don’t care.

But how can a feeling of gratitude that I am somehow ‘better off’ than a brother because I don’t share his problems bring any real peace?

It can’t.

Bottom line: If one of us is suffering, we’re all suffering. In ultimate reality there is only one of us here.

This view is in complete alignment with Ho’oponopono. If someone has a problem and I get to find out about it, I have to take 100% responsibility for the fact that at some level I helped create it. I contributed. I have it too even if it doesn’t appear that way. Even the war in Ukraine is, at some level, partly down to me.

So, the Course says, to be sincere in gratitude is to remember that I am not separate from my brother or from God and, therefore, neither is he. We are all connected.

Better then to give thanks for every living thing, rather than, based on the limited ego/data view of the world, single out only certain people or animals or plants for such seeming benevolence.

Today I will lay comparisons aside and forgive without comparing as I repeat the key words of Ho’oponopono:

I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Thank you.

Everyone is worthy because everyone, like me, is an idea in the Mind of God. We are all perfect and sinless and I will not judge, that I not be judged.

Lord, deliver me from temptation!

“Love is the way I walk in gratitude. I love you, I’m sorry, Forgive me, Thank you”