The Dynamic Fundamentals

How to put yourself in the right place at the right time

Today’s ACIM Lesson – God is my strength. Vision is His gift – is fine enough on its own. But it’s a few lines from

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The Dynamic Fundamentals

Introduction to the ACIM / Ho’oponopono Challenge!

Aloha! Welcome to this one year experiment to explore the cross-overs between two of my favourite spiritual practices: A Course in Miracles (ACIM) and Ho’oponopono.

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The Dynamic Fundamentals

The Spirituality of Business

Do you view your work, whether that’s a job or your own biz, or a ‘side’ biz you operate from the back bedroom a ‘spiritual‘

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The Dynamic Fundamentals


No matter what your beliefs – whether that’s in God, Divinity (as I like to refer to Her), Tao, Source, Infinite Intelligence, Green Man… …

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